Zelros Recommendation engine at ITC Vegas 2022 | Booth 3253

Were you in ITC Vegas in 2022 and thinking about returning in 2023? The Zelros team will be there in Nashville this year at booth 3445! Book a meeting with us today.
The Zelros Recommendation Engine personalizes recommendations and increases personal line retention, cross-sell, upsell, and acquisition by increasing agent effectiveness and embracing new revenue opportunities.
Schedule a meeting with us!
Here are some brands who have personalized with Zelros!
What to expect when you see us at ITC vegas 2022?
We will provide a live demo and consultation on how Zelros Recommendation Engine can get you started with three easy steps!
- Enrich your customer data (life events, risks factors, digital behaviors, and more)
- Apply recommendations on enriched customer data
- Personalize offers and messaging for agents, online channels, and marketing engagements
You can be up and running within weeks with minimum investments and resources. Our system aims to provide autonomy for the sales and marketing teams to distribute personalized selling points of your insurance products that match perfectly with the life events of their prospects.
If you already have a data team who provides great insights into your customer’s data, our Zelros platform helps to push this in production, which helps to test and monitor the logic and distribute personalized recommendations to the sales and marketing teams in the real-life environment. The production and testing process is usually the bottleneck of communication between the data, BI team, and sales, and marketing team! Let’s not give this bottleneck a chance to get in between you and the policyholders.
Meet us at booth 3253 in the ITC Vegas 2022 event or Contact Zelros today for your FREE CONSULTATION to transform your customer experience and agent effectiveness and drive sales growth.
Zelros in the news!
Check out our latest reports and news on partners
Zelros has recently published our survey report, which provides many insights into how customers perceive insurance. We also give out the recent Forrester report on new technologies to watch in 2022. Find the links below.
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