Zelros among the 20 French AI Startups to watch, according to Sifted

Based on France Digitale’s comprehensive mapping of French artificial intelligence startups which was presented during the FranceisAI event, Sifted has highlighted 20 French AI startups worth knowing and Zelros is very pleased to be part of this list!
“French AI startups have many cards to play to rank among the world’s leaders of artificial intelligence,” says Julia Fenart, head of European public affairs for France Digitale. [It has] scientific talent and maths and engineering training that the rest of the world envies.”
According to consulting firm Roland Berger, while the US, China and Israel lead the global race to spawn AI startups, France isn’t too far behind in the 7th position, behind the UK (which is 4th) and ahead of Germany (8th).
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